price? 550.00
Spanish for Emergency Responders
This fully virtual course emphasizes the fundamentals of Spanish both for students seeking positions in Emergency Response (Fire Science and Emergency Medical Services) and those already working in the profession. The course focuses on "survival" Spanish language skills and cross-cultural training for emergency responders. Students develop their command of Spanish in specific job-related areas. The course prepares participants for those aspects of Latino cultures that have an impact on their work. Students do extensive role-playing of situations that professionals encounter on the job.
Students will develop their command of Spanish in specific Emergency Responder job-related areas.
Certificate of Completion from Greenfield Community College
45 hours
views woo in stock: 0
stock: 0
start: September 4, 2024 1725408000
term: 202409
reg type: 1
starts: before today, so it's already over